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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

10/08/13 Meeting Minutes

Treadwell Community
Improvement Club Meeting
October 8, 2013; 8:30 - 9:50 PM; Bright Hill Press
Members Present
Neishia Mitchell
Jen Mitchell
Nancy Barnes
Deb Tuthill
Bertha Rogers
Callie Triarsi
Louise Hebbard
Donna Briggs

Meeting Summary

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 PM by President Neishia Mitchell.
The pledge, song, and collect were waived for the purposes of condensing the meeting time. September’s minutes were accepted as read by President, Neishia Mitchell; 1st Callie Triarsi, 2nd Louise Hebbard. Treasurer’s report was unavailable due to technical difficulties.
Get Well to Jeane Keahon after her foot surgery
Sympathy to Irma Hall for the loss of her mother
Sympathy to Jean Shaw for the loss of her mother
Committee Reports
Kellogg Franklin Trust
Jim Carey and Ken Walter are working on Tennis nets, painting benches, fences, and court restoration. An estimate of $35,000 was given to resurface the courts - other means are being looked into
Trey Miller has scheduled an alternate project for the Boyscouts this fall. Debbie will be working on an alternate group to assist with clean-up for a Nature Trail.
Franklin/Treadwell Recreation Committee
Community Calendars are available and can be picked up at the Chicken & Biscuit Dinner on November 9 from 4-7 pm at the Franklin School or at the Cupcake Decorating Program on December 10 beginning at 7 pm at the Treadwell United Methodist Church. Tickets for the Chicken & Biscuit Dinner can be purchased from Neishia Mitchell. Free dinners will be delivered to Treadwell/Franklin shut-ins. Anyone interested in Winter Volleyball at the Franklin School - please contact Neishia Mitchell. A seat is still available on the committee for a Treadwell resident to fill. The next meeting will be held at the Franklin Village Hall on Monday, November 4 at 7:30 pm.
Sound System: No Update
Membership Recruitment & Retention: No Update
Cupcake Decorating w/ Deb
Callie will bake 24 cupcakes, Debbie will make the frosting and provide the decorations.
Cookie Exchange w/ Callie
Meeting date changed to 6 pm, as Callie will be preparing Quiche dinner for all attendees. Everyone is invited to bring 2 dozen of their favorite cookies. Types of cookies each member is bringing will be announced during our November meeting to ensure there is a variety.
Unfinished Business
March through Septembers Central District reports were submitted to Candace Edwards for her information at a Board Meeting earlier in October.
       The Town Board Open Forum was a great success with over 40 community members participating. 
Fundraising Quilt
The quilt was displayed during the Town Board Open Forum and raffle tickets were available. It will be brought to Central District meeting. Callie and Nancy will utilize the database to mail a raffle letter to Treadwell Residents.
Fundraising Letter
Neishia and Eric Huneke will meet on Wednesday, October 9 to create the fundraising letter. Doriane will have the copies made at 3 cents per copy. Debbie Tuthill and Diane Dedominicis are willing to help stuff envelopes.
Eagle Scout Gazebo Project
Lynndon is requesting help with the finishing of the Gazebo Project at 1 pm on both Saturday, October 12 and Sunday, October 13.
Central District Meeting
Meeting will be held at the 3 Bears Inn in Marathon, NY at 9:30 AM. Debbie and Callie will prepare a basket to be raffled worth $25. Neishia, Debbie, Nancy, Callie, Louise, and Donna will be attending. Debbie moved for all lunches to be paid for by TCIC, Jen 2nd. Louise requested to pay for her own lunch. Motion carried for Nancy, Treasurer, to send check for 5 attendees.

Holiday Entryway Contest
Debbie will Chair a committee to plan for a Holiday decorating contest.
Headstart Boxes
Donna reported that Franklin no longer has a headstart program
Holiday Bags to Elderly & Shut-Ins
Louise will Chair a committee to plan for the Holiday Bags. Nancy will contact Jan Hall to find out if her children will be selling the FFA Citrus through Delaware Academy. Bertha will plan a craft workshop for the children to make ornaments for these bags.
Christmas Tree in Gazebo
Nancy will Chair a committee to plan for the decorating of a tree in the gazebo. Callie will plan a craft workshop for the children to make ornaments for the tree.
New Business
Winter Family Movie Night
Bertha has a smart board with speakers and is willing to host a Family Movie Night. Debbie reports that there are over 190 Free movies available to select from.
ILS Program Support
Since we are unable to continue supporting the headstart. Jen will chair a committee to support the Independent Living Skills program through Delaware Opportunities. There are approximately 30 participants aged 14-21 who can benefit from our help.
Community Cook Book
Traci Huyck-Sitts suggested that we compile a cook book to capture recipes from the older generations before they are lost. Debbie will chair this project, to possibly be utilized as a GFWC Community Improvement Project for 2014-2016. We will ask Traci to provide pictures for the book.
Debbie contacted both schools for the Kellogg Franklin Trust Logo Contest and Brian Rolfe responded quickly. Those logos can also be entered into the Art contests. Bertha will provide writing from her youth workshops.
Motion for adjournment received by Bertha Rogers and seconded by Donna Briggs. Accepted at 9:50 PM.
Next Meetings: Tuesday, November 12 at 7 PM at TUM Church
Tuesday, December 10 at 6 PM at Callie Triarsi’s home

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Franklin Town Candidate Open Forum

Please join TCIC for an evening with the Franklin Town Board candidates, tonight at Bright Hill Press at 7 pm. Meet who wants to take office and take the opportunity to ask questions which will help you to decided how your vote will be made.

The candidates are:
Jeff Taggart - Town Supervisor

Mark Laing being opposed by Mark Doring for Highway Superintendent

Garret Sitts, Dave Grant, and Patricia Tyrrell for Town Council

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What you need to know about the GFWC Treadwell Community Improvement Club

We are mothers and daughters, business and community leaders, and women of diverse interests, talents, and backgrounds - all united by a dedication to community improvement through volunteer service.

Your participation matters!

Reporting year begins in May and ends in April

2013-2014 Officers
President Neishia Mitchell 829-2561

Vice President Jen Mitchell 829-5911

Secretary Deb Tuthil

Treasurer Nancy Barnes 829-8213

We meet the second Tuesday of each month (March - December) after Program

The location of each meeting is dependent upon program and membership

Greater Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC)
GFWC is an international women’s organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. GFWC members work in their own communities to support the arts, preserve natural resources, advance education, promote healthy lifestyles, and encourage civic involvement. Clubs have the freedom to shape programs and projects that suit their own communities and interests, while benefitting from the expertise and support at district, state, regional and national levels. Whether aiming for the passage of a Congressional bill to prevent violence against women or mentoring at-risk children at a local elementary school, we are proactive, determined, visionary volunteers with a national voice and a local passion.

GFWC Affiliation Levels
Local TCIC Meets Monthly/as needed to accomplish tasks
District         Central         Meeting biannually (Next Meeting October 26)
State New York Meets Annually (in May)
Region         Mid-Atlantic Meets Annually (Next Meet October 3-5 Dover)
National         United States Meets Annually (In June)
International         Federation Day April 24

Local TCIC Quarterly Newsletter
State Empire Focus Quarterly Newsletter
National GFWC Clubwoman Magazine bi-monthly
News & Notes Weekly Email

2013 - 2014 Planned Programs

Tuesday, October 8 7-8 pm Location: Bright Hill Press
Town Board Nominee Debate

Tuesday, November 12 7-8 pm Location: TUM Church
Cupcake Decorating

Tuesday, December 10 7-8 pm Location: Triarsi’s Home - Oline Evans Rd
Christmas Cookie Exchange

Other December Program Activities:
Door/Entryway decorating contest

Tuesday, March 11 7-8 pm Treadwell Volunteer Fire Department
Beat The Blah’s BINGO

Tuesday, April 8 7-8 pm Deb Tuthills House
Garden Prep/Hydro Gardening by Dave Tuthill

Tuesday, May 14 7-8 pm Location: 
Student Art & Writing Awards Presentation
* 2014-2015 Year Begins

Monday, May 26 9 am Main Street Treadwell
Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony at Croton Cemetery 

Tuesday, June 10 7-8 pm Location: 
Dues dinner and official installation of officers

Saturday, June 14 8 am - 3 pm Town of Treadwell
Town Wide Lawn Sales

Club Special Projects

ALK Educational Community Center (Formerly Known as the History Center)
Maintained by Deb Tuthill

Community Welcome Boxes
Delivered to all families who move to Treadwell

BSA Eagle Scout Sponsorship
Our club is sponsoring Lynndon Huyck in his efforts to pursue Eagle Scout
Lynndon will be building a Town Gazebo in the Memorial Commons

Flower Boxes
Maintained at the bridges on Main Street

American Flags
Raised for Memorial Day and taken down after Labor Day
Raising & Lowering to be done by Christian Walter in 2014

Head Start Boxes for Christmas
Delivered the the Children’s Head Start in Franklin

Holiday Bags
Delivered to elderly/shut-in members of the community via Christmas Carolers

Christmas Tree Decorating
Displayed at the Memorial Commons

GFWC Projects
    Signature:Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention
Partner: Prevent Child Abuse America

Junior’s Special:Advocates for Children
Partner:      Emergency Medical Services for Children
INMED Partnership for Children

Partner: American Mural Project

Partner: ACTrees


Home Life
Partner: Canine Companions for Independence
Easter Seals
Inside Knowledge: Gynecology
International Outreach
Partner: Heifer International
Operation Smile
United Nations Foundation, Shot@Life
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
Public Issues
Partner: Kettering Foundation
Sew Much Comfort
United Service Organizations

GFWC Awards, Contests, and Grants
Community Improvement Program (2012 - 2014)

Each Listed Project & Project Partner Participation

Media Campaign Contest





Creative Arts

Advancement Area Awards
Communications & Public Relations



Legislation and Public Policy


Women’s History

Membership Grant  - $50 annually

Focus on Literacy Grant - $150

Shot@Life Grant - $100

Epsilon Sigma Omicron (ESO)
ESO is an honorary educational society open to all TCIC members. ESO provides clubwomen with a structured, but flexible, reading program that is educational and stimulates a desire for self-improvement. Members can participate in ESO as part of a reading group or on their own. The program provides membership, awards and certificates, pins, reading lists, and a framework in which to pursue continued self-improvement through reading.

TCIC Members

Deb Tuthill 829-8531

Stella Sprague

Louise Hebbard

Donna Briggs 829-6885

Gail Bunting

Helen Mitchell 829-5717

Norma Walter 829-2651

Callie Triarsi 829-2419

Berta Rogers

9/9/13 Meeting Miuntes

Treadwell Community
Improvement Club Meeting
September 9, 2013; 7:20 pm to 8:05 pm; Treadwell Volunteer Fire Department
Members Present
Neishia Mitchell
Jen Mitchell
Nancy Barnes
Deb Tuthill
Bertha Rogers

Meeting Summary
The meeting was called to order at 7:20 PM by President Neishia Mitchell.
The pledge, song, and collect were waived for the purposes of condensing the meeting time. Julys minutes were accepted as read by President, Neishia Mitchell; 1st Deb Tuthill, 2nd Nancy Barnes. Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented by Treasurer, Nancy Barnes; 1st Deb Tuthill, 2nd Jen Mitchell.
Lori Walter is resigning from her position as Secretary effective immediately due to family obligations. Deb Tuthill accepted appointment of Secretary until the position can be filled.
Call to Central District Fall Meeting was received. The meeting will be held at the Three Bears Inn in Marathon, NY on Saturday, November 9 from 9:30 AM to 1 PM. All club members are invited to attend this meeting. Further discussion was tabled until the October meeting.
Feel Better to Ernest Fishman after his tumor removal.
Congratulations to William Shaw and Jessica Letterman on the marriage.
Congratulations to Erin & Rob Olsen on the arrival of their baby girl, Annaliese.
Congratulations to Chris & Vivian Mooney on the arrival of their baby girl, Eva.
Thank you to Barlows General Store for the donation of ice cream to the ice cream social.
Sympathy to Irene Shivers for the loss of her husband.
Feel Better to Bill Moon after his foot fracture.
Committee Reports
Sound System: No Update
Pro-Fracking Speaker: Unable to contact a speaker thus far. Bertha provided Jen with a possible contact to reschedule this program to a future date.
Membership Recruitment & Retention: No Update on an event
Potential Members: Linda Morgan, Loretta Ulmer, Lisa Calaci, & Kathy Peck

Unfinished Business
The Treadwell Corn Hole Festival was a great success with 40 community members coming out. For next year, there will be a need for capable set-up & take down crews and increased signage.
The Ice Cream social was also a great success with over 70 community members join us for ice cream and entertainment.
Town Board Nominee Debate (October 8 at Bright Hill Press)
Neishia will contact Art Swenson to get contacts for candidates and request an open forum on October 8 at 7 pm at Bright Hill Press.
Fundraising Quilt
The quilt was unveiled at the Ice Cream Social. We will move forward with selling raffle tickets to as many people as possible with a drawing date of December 10 at the cookie exchange. A facebook event has been created and posted to the Treadwell Community Club Wall. Nancy will provide Callie with the fundraising database in order to being mailing raffle letters to the community as well.
Fundraising Letter
The fundraising letter gets mailed on October 1 and goes out to approximately 850 people. Neishia will contact Eric Huneke, TFD President, in regards to adding a paragraph for TCIC in the letter.  Members will be contacted for help in stuffing the envelopes when that time nears.
Eagle Scout Gazebo Project
The cement is poured and the frame work is up. Debbie has been getting pictures of the progress as this will be used as our 2 year community improvement project for GFWC. There has not been a request for help made from Lynndon. Deb and Nancy will plan a dedication ceremony for the finished gazebo open to the community.
ALK Educational Community Center (AKA: History Center)
We are able to utilize the Educational Community Center for meetings. It is still located in the library area of the school.
Nature Trail
Deb will be in contact with Trey Miller, BSA Leader, to schedule a trail clean up to be performed by the boy scouts in October.
New Business
Cupcake Decorating w/ Deb
This will be held at the church on Tuesday, November 12 at 7 pm. Deb will let club women know how many cupcakes we will need to have baked for this activity.
Cookie Exchange w/ Callie
This will be held at Callie’s home on Olin Evan’s road on Tuesday, December 10 at 7 pm. Callie will let club women know how this program will be run and how many cookies each participant should bring.
Other December Programs
Plans for the Holiday Entryway Contest, Headstart Boxes, Holiday Bags to the Elderly & Shutins, and the Christmas Tree in Memorial Commons will be opened up for discussion outside of the meeting with members who were unable to attend. Deb has bags for the Holiday bags.
Paper Mache Animals
Bertha has a paper mache dragon, a cow with double udders and 2 others which may be utilized, but would require protection from the elements.
New Book
Bertha shared her newest book which is a compilation of poetry done by nine different intellectually disabled adults entitled “Suddenly”. The book is in full color and is being offered at $22.
Motion for adjournment received by Deb Tuhill and seconded by Bertha Rogers. Accepted at 8:05 PM.
Next Meetings: Tuesday, October 8 at 7 PM at Bright Hill Press
Tuesday, November 12 at 7 PM at TUM Church

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ice Cream Social...TONIGHT!!

Hello good folks of Treadwell! I hope your summer is going well. It has been H-O-T!!! It is expected to rain today, but it will still be hot enough to treat yourself to some ice cream. The above photo is of the old ice cream shop that used to be inside of the Croton House. And while the shop is no longer there, you can come down to ALK tonight at 7:00 p.m. for the Treadwell Ice Cream Social. We will have a very special guest, historical speaker Paul Stillman come and give a visual presentation about the Native American way of life. It promises to be a very tasty and entertaining evening. Hope to see you all there!

And for more great photos of the Croton House, be sure to check out our flickr account.